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To create a second player, set up a new sprite the same was you did your first character, and put all the blocks in the on start loop - remember to name your sprite!

Instead of the original move mySprite with buttons block, choose the multiplayer player 2 block instead.

Screenshot of blocks - set Kitty to sprite of kind Player, set Kitty position to x 41 y 101, player 2 move Kitty with buttons, set Kitty stay in screen ON

The joystick on the emulator will only move Player 1, but you can use the keys on your keyboard to control the two characters, using these buttons:

Emulator Player One Player Two
up W I
down S K
left A J
right D L

You cannot have more than two players using a computer keyboard.

As the new sprite is also of kind Player all of your previous code will work for both players - they will be able to work together to collect the pancakes.