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CCC - Creature Circuits

Resources for the 'Creature Circuits' Creative Computing Club.

During this workshop, you will create and code a 'creature' using a BBC micro:bit, some conductive and insulating dough, and some electronic components.

To make your own dough at home, follow the instructions at Squishy Circuits.

This page recaps what we discussed as a group.

To skip to the examples and ideas, click here.

Getting started

If you would like to do this activity using Micropython instead, click here!

Download the starter code, go to the editor, and drag-and-drop the starter code into the window.

Follow the instructions to pair your micro:bit and create your first program!

Instructions-- Step 1: Pair your microbit. Step 2: Put the code on your micro:bit. Step 3: Experiment with the code blocks on the right. Step 4: Experiment with new blocks from the menu on the left.

Adding an LED

LED wiring photo

Take a crocodile clip, and connect one end of it to pin 0 on your micro:bit.

Connect the other end of your crocodile clip to the positive lead of your LED (the longer one).

Connect a second crocodile clip between the GND pin on your micro:bit, and the negative lead of your LED (the shorter one).

Now add the below code to your micro:bit program... what happens to your LED?


What would you need to change in the code if you connected the LED to pin 1 or 2 instead of pin 0?

Making a circuit using dough

Click here for the instructions!

What next?

When you have created your dough creature, you can add some extra features. The links below will help you with a couple of our ideas!