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Random Colours

Instead of choosing the colours before you start, you can get the computer to choose for you.

At the very start of your program, add this line:

from random import randint

This imports a library, and tells Python that you want to use these new bits of code.

Every time you want the computer to choose you a colour, instead of typing a number in youself, write randint(0, 1023) - this says for it to choose a number between 0 and 1023.

For example, the code we wrote for the RGB LED would now look like this:

from microbit import *
from random import randint

red = pin0
green = pin1
blue = pin2

while True:
    red.write_analog(randint(0, 1023))
    green.write_analog(randint(0, 1023))
    blue.write_analog(randint(0, 1023))